Visiting Middle Earth
I don’t have many clear memories from my childhood these days. However, one memory that stands out is my family’s list of countries we all wanted to visit. Each family member had their list on this little piece of paper stuck to our fridge. From 2003 onward, New Zealand was at the top of my list. In December of 2003, the final movie of the Lord of the Rings trilogy was released, and seeing it in theaters was a jaw-dropping and briefly terrifying experience (Shelob did not help my growing arachnophobia). Still, what stood out to me was the absolute beauty and scope of the New Zealand countryside.
While it took nearly 20 years for that dream to finally be realized, I am glad we waited until we did to go. As a child, I would not have appreciated the steps we had to take to get to New Zealand, while as an adult, I have a proper appreciation for the whole experience.
Flying In Style
Business class, especially on a long flight like the one to New Zealand from New York, is an unforgettable experience. Before this trip, I’d never flown business class, but now that I have, it’s increasingly difficult not to book every flight in the lap of luxury. However, the price tag has helped stop me from upgrading every flight I take. When choosing whether business class is right for your trip, some factors to consider are as follows: How long is the flight? Is it overnight? Will you have enough money to do what you want to do at your destination?
Flying directly to New Zealand from New York took nearly 20 hours, and it was only slightly shorter on the way back. This means you’ll be in the air for the better part of a full day. In Business class, it felt like the trip was cut in half. Some might argue that New Zealand Air’s business class barely qualifies as business class. To those people, I’d say to ignore them. As a 6-foot tall individual, the bed was somewhat small and cramped for a comfortable night’s sleep. But—and this is important—it was a bed on an airplane. My poor night’s sleep was far better than any time I’ve tried to sleep sitting upright in a standard seat. Plus, the food and other amenities were fantastic. If you want a nightcap before bed, go ahead and order it. If you enjoyed your morning smoothie so much that you’d like seconds, just ask. Flying business, while undoubtedly a steep added expense, makes your flight feel like part of the trip rather than just a means to an end.
North Island
Fun Fact: New Zealand is such a small country that it is often left off of world maps.
The trip my family booked through Boundless Journeys sadly did not include any time to explore the north island of New Zealand.
South Island
Fun Fact: Kaikoura means “Eat Crayfish” in Maori, and it’s also the same as a small fishing town on the south island.